H.P. Blavatsky: the Mystery (exoteric and esoteric)
- Sunday, March 16, 2025 - 19:30 CET
- Online
At the end of the lecture there will be a 30 minute study via Zoom.
Around the world and in all ages, there have been impulses of wisdom, compassion and peace. In our collective memory, we wrongly tend to link these spiritual impulses to one person, who seemed to appear as suddenly as to vanish again: Krishna, Buddha, Pythagoras, Lao-Tse, Jesus, Plato, Mohammed et cetera.
Spiritual impulses, however, are not isolated. Those who investigate discover that from East to West, lines can be drawn between spiritual impulses, their background and their succession from the distant past to recent history. With the arrival of H.P. Blavatsky in 1875, these lines converge and resurface.