The Theosophical Society Point Loma (TSPL) Blavatskyhouse is an organization dedicated to accomplishment of universal brotherhood, through study, work and spreading the knowledge and wisdom that  Theosophy has to offer.

Theosophy is based on universal and ethical principles and laws underlying  Nature and all life. The organization was founded in 1875 by the spiritual impulse of H.P. Blavatsky, at the behest of her Masters.

The Theosophical Society Point Loma is part of a universal, ethical and intellectual Movement, that has been active in all ages. This Movement is founded on Spiritual Brotherhood as a fact in Nature and belongs to the deepest essence of Being.

To make people familiar with the Theosophical teachings, the TSPL organizes lectures, courses, workshops, symposia and is also the publisher of our magazine Lucifer, the Lightbringer and a wide variety of Theosophical books.

With these activities, the TSPL focuses both on deeper knowledge about life and the operations of the Cosmos, and on how from this knowledge, current questions of life can be answered and how they can be solved in a harmonious, Universal and Ethical way, in accordance with the workings of Nature.

The TSPL has no paid employees. All employees within the organization work on a voluntary basis.