Lucifer No. 2 - 2024
Lucifer No. 2 - 2024

In this magazine:

  • The One Life and the Pāramitā Path - Part 2
    Elton Hall
  • From axiom to Truth - The logic of Theosophia
    Herman C. Vermeulen
  • Does a country need an army?
    Barend Voorham
  • Questions children ask
    Astrid Kramer
  • What are the consequences of culturing meat?
    Henk Bezemer
  • 500 times a day?
    Manuel Pegado
  • Developments in society
    • What happens when you construct a human embryo?
  • Questions & Answers
    • Masters of Wisdom
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2024
Lucifer No. 1 - 2024

In this magazine

  • The One Life and the Paramita Path - Part 1
    Elton Hall
  • Can mankind determine its future?
    Herman C. Vermeulen
  • How intelligent is Chat GPT?
    Erwin Bomas
  • Was Plato against writing?
    Erwin Bomas
  • The benefits of cremation
    Barend Voorham
  • The right person in the right place
    Henk Bezemer
  • Questions & Answers
    • Karmic causes
    • Prayer and meditation
    • Stealing from the rich
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Lucifer No. 4 - 2023
Lucifer No. 4 - 2023
  • Symposium 2023 - The Religion of the Future
    • Introduction
      Herman C. Vermeulen
    • One Life
      Renate Pico
    • Religion is a workout
      Erwin Bomas
    • The religion of the future
      Barend Voorham
  • The soul of an ideal
    Barend Voorham
  • Impartiality: guarantee of peace
    Barend Voorham
  • Questions and answers about symbols
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Lucifer No. 3 - 2023
Lucifer No. 3 - 2023
  • The spiritual impulse of Helena P. Blavatsky
    Herman C. Vermeulen
  • Utopia - Does the happy land exist?
    Barend Voorham
  • The theosophical view of our eyesight
    Henk Bezemer
  • How to find your Work
    Erwin Bomas
  • Questions & Answers
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2023
Lucifer No. 2 - 2023
  • Fundamental unity, peace and brotherhood
    Herman C. Vermeulen
  • Fearlessness on the path of non-violence
  • Cultivating a culture of peace
    Writers collective
  • Who is a lightbringer?
    Barend Voorham
  • Lightbringers in our society
    Erwin Bomas
  • The Grand Inquisitor
    Barend Voorham
  • Questions & Answers
    Do black holes exist?
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2023
Lucifer No. 1 - 2023
  • Esoteric Teachings volume 11 and 12 by G. de Purucker
    Erwin Bomas
  • Lightbringers in our society - Zaz
    Barend Voorham
  • Dealing with nature - The example of the Bishnois
    Barend Voorham
  • Peace education in schools: learned young, done old
    Nico Ouwehand
  • Cosmopsychism
    Henk Bezemer
  • The esoteric background of Fröbel's Kindergarten
    Bouke van den Noort
  • Questions & Answers
    The historicity of the Masters of Wisdom, our inner Master, and how do you find your Master?
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Lucifer No. 4 - 2022
Lucifer No. 4 - 2022
  • Symposium 'Independent Search for Truth' 

    • Introduction
      Herman C. Vermeulen

    • One Truth or many truths?
      Barend Voorham

    • How to find truth
      Erwin Bomas

    • The cycle of truthfinding applied to evolution
      Erwin Bomas

    • How to live Truth?
      Patricia van Lingen

  • Esoteric Teachings volume 9 by G. de Purucker
    Barend Voorham

  • Lightbringers in our society: Frans Douw
    Erwin Bomas

  • Why this magazine is called Lucifer “the Light-bringer”
    Barend Voorham

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Peace Special Lucifer No. 2-3 - 2022
Peace Special Lucifer No. 2-3 - 2022

By publishing this special Peace edition of Lucifer – the Light-bringer we carry on the long tradition of Peace activities of the Theosophical Society Point Loma. We are convinced that in these times of conflict and war, the ideas of this Peace issue are of extreme importance.

This issue has been prepared by a joint team. Therefore, names of authors are not mentioned above the articles. The articles follow each other in logical order. Each article is followed by one or more articles or quotations from the theosophical Teachers on the subject. In this way, we try to follow in the footsteps of our Teachers and continue the work for lasting peace among all nations and all people.

The team of writers consists of: Henk Bezemer, Erwin Bomas, Anja de Jong, Iljitsj van Kessel, Bouke van den Noort, Nico Ouwehand, Renate Pico, Joop Smits, Rutger Soons, Herman C. Vermeulen, Johanna Vermeulen, Barend Voorham and Philip Wiskie.

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Lucifer No. 1 - 2022
Lucifer No. 1 - 2022
  • Esoteric Teachings Volumes 7 and 8 by G. de Purucker
    Erwin Bomas
  • Who is the Self?
    Barend Voorham
  • The purpose of goals - Swabhava: real goals come from within
    Erwin Bomas
  • SPACE, time and consciousness
    Barend Voorham
  • Theosophy in Nature
    Henk Bezemer
  • Questions & Answers
    Can we repair the damage we do to animals?
Read magazine
Lucifer No. 4 - 2021
Lucifer No. 4 - 2021


Opening speech at the symposium of the Dutch Section
Erwin Bomas

Help to build the mentality of the future
Herman C. Vermeulen

What is wisdom?
Renate Pico

Character transformation in seven steps
Barend Voorham

Be the mentality of the future!
Herman C. Vermeulen

Shaping the future: just hope and confidence?
Claudia Bernard

Building a strong foundation: how we gain confidence
Sieglinde Plocki

When certainty enters
Ralph Kammer

Conscience and Intuition
Gottfried de Purucker

Intuitive Wisdom or Prajñā
Gottfried de Purucker

Esoteric Teachings Volume 10 of Gottfried de Purucker
Barend Voorham

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Lucifer No. 3 - 2021
Lucifer No. 3 - 2021

Esoteric Teachings Volumes 5 and 6 of G. de Purucker
Henk Bezemer

How do we prevent mental epidemics?
Herman C. Vermeulen

Universal wisdom in the language of mathematics
The editors

Theosophy in Nature - Do humans have a magnetic sense?
Henk Bezemer

Traveling to Mars
Barend Voorham

Questions & Answers

  • How real are dreams?
  • The role of our intellect
  • Wonderment and intuition
  • Practice what you preach
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2021
Lucifer No. 2 - 2021

Esoteric Teachings Volumes 3 and 4 of G. de Purucker
by Barend Voorham

The relativity of the Absolute
by Barend Voorham

The collective memory - The astral plane: storehouse of our experiences
by Barend Voorham

Theosophy in Nature - Seeing without eyes, smelling without a nose: perception in the plant kingdom
by Bouke van den Noort

Conspiracy theories
by Barend Voorham

The cosmic roots of mathematics
by the editors

Questions & Answers

  • Nuclear weapons in the Rāmāyana?
  • Intuition
  • Supra-personality and compassion
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