Lucifer No. 3 - 2021
Lucifer No. 3 - 2021

Esoteric Teachings Volumes 5 and 6 of G. de Purucker
Henk Bezemer

How do we prevent mental epidemics?
Herman C. Vermeulen

Universal wisdom in the language of mathematics
The editors

Theosophy in Nature - Do humans have a magnetic sense?
Henk Bezemer

Traveling to Mars
Barend Voorham

Questions & Answers

  • How real are dreams?
  • The role of our intellect
  • Wonderment and intuition
  • Practice what you preach
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2021
Lucifer No. 2 - 2021

Esoteric Teachings Volumes 3 and 4 of G. de Purucker
by Barend Voorham

The relativity of the Absolute
by Barend Voorham

The collective memory - The astral plane: storehouse of our experiences
by Barend Voorham

Theosophy in Nature - Seeing without eyes, smelling without a nose: perception in the plant kingdom
by Bouke van den Noort

Conspiracy theories
by Barend Voorham

The cosmic roots of mathematics
by the editors

Questions & Answers

  • Nuclear weapons in the Rāmāyana?
  • Intuition
  • Supra-personality and compassion
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2021
Lucifer No. 1 - 2021

Esoteric Teachings Parts 1 and 2 of G. de Purucker
Bouke van den Noort

Emanation in world literature
Barend Voorham

Ubuntu – I am because we are
Joop Smits

Theosophy in Nature – The birth process of a planet
Henk Bezemer

Is there a relationship between Planet Venus and bees?
Henk Bezemer

Questions & Answers
Atlantis and the Rāmāyana
Can animals learn to think?

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Lucifer No. 4 - 2020
Lucifer No. 4 - 2020

Herman C. Vermeulen

Boundless Life
Lalibel Mohaupt

Sparks of Eternity
Barend Voorham

Cooperation: growing in unity
Erwin Bomas

Consequences of The Theory of Everything
Herman C. Vermeulen

Questions and answers

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Lucifer No. 3 - 2020
Lucifer No. 3 - 2020

Humanity, the key to harmony in nature
Barend Voorham

The mystery of consciousness — part 2
Different states of consciousness

Barend Voorham

The meaning of silence
Robert Goor

Berlin’s theosophical influence on arts & design
From Blavatsky to iPhone

Bouke van den Noort

The bee community – part 2
Bees as symbols

Bianca Peeters

Theosophy in nature
Pioneers in the animal kingdom

Henk Bezemer

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Learning from the pandemic - Lucifer No. 2 - 2020
Learning from the pandemic - Lucifer No. 2 - 2020

Theosophia: core of sustainable solutions


What is a virus?

What is disease

Diseased civilization

Acting now in the light of Theosophia

A healthy global society


Theosophy: principles and practice

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Lucifer No. 1 - 2020
Lucifer No. 1 - 2020

Corona crisis: danger and opportunity
The Editors

Acting from the principle of trust
Herman C. Vermeulen

The mystery of consciousness – part 1
Barend Voorham

The life of bees – part 1 - A real community
Bianca Peeters

Who are the real carriers of culture? - Identity politics versus universal policy
Barend Voorham

Theosophy in Nature - Metamorphosis: how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly
Bouke van den Noort

Team Human – a manifest for humanity in the digital age
Erwin Bomas

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Lucifer No. 4 - 2019
Lucifer No. 4 - 2019

Symposium Mysticism – Leadership – Inspiration

Why this symposium?
Herman C. Vermeulen

Mysticism: the foundation for Leadership
Patricia van Lingen

Recognizing Leadership
Bouke van den Noort

The Leader within yourself
Jenny van der Tak

Other articles

The process of inspiration - The awakening of spirituality
Barend Voorham

Towers of Infinite Thought
Nicholas C. Weeks

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Lucifer No. 3 - 2019
Lucifer No. 3 - 2019

The Great Passing - The autumnal initiation
Barend Voorham

Gandhi on Theosophy and the global civilization of tomorrow, part 2
James Tepfer

Why are we so busy? - And how do we stop being so busy
Erwin Bomas

Theosophy in Nature - What causes order in nature?
Henk Bezemer

Questions & answers

  • Progressive evolution
  • Future senses
  • Awakening latent capacities
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2019
Lucifer No. 2 - 2019

In this issue of Lucifer you will find a beautiful example of the cooperation between three different theosophical organizations. At the annual Convention of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, two lectures were given by speakers from different organizations. We are happy to publish these two, slightly edited lectures, that were given by a member of the Theosophical Society Point Loma and by an associate of the United Lodge of Theosophists.

In this issue:

  • The sun stands still for a moment
    21 June: Initiation of the Great Renunciation
  • Expressing Truth and Beauty through Compassion
  • Gandhi on Theosophy and the global civilization of tomorrow (part 1)
  • What is artificial intelligence?
  • Questions & answers
    • Fairy tales
    • Rituals
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2019
Lucifer No. 1 - 2019

Spring is the time in the northern hemisphere where we you can see life is returning to the earth. The bare trees get leaves. The birds come back from their winter home. People long for the warm summer, for vacation, for adventure.

Yet it would be good if we do not forget the winter solstice of last December. Christmas is the time of the year in which we make intentions or decisions to improve and uplift our life. We wrote about the winter-solstice in our last issue of Lucifer. Now it is time we have to ask ourselves whether we are still on the same track. Do we keep our intentions and decisions?

In an article about Easter – the second holy season of the year – we go into this inspiring topic and try to show the real story behind Easter.

In this issue: 

  • Easter: the Initiation of the Great Temptation
  • Theosophy: the Way towards Universal Consciousness

    Symposium Life Wisdom:
  • Working on Life Wisdom
  • The Foundation of Life Wisdom
  • How to become life-wise?
  • Observations: How to deal with unorthodox visions?
  • Questions & Answers about Desire, SELF and Progressive evolution
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Lucifer No. 4 - 2018
Lucifer No. 4 - 2018

December is for many people in the northern hemisphere a dark time. The sun comes up late and goes down early. Yet for many people this time is also the time of light, hope and cheerful spirituality. We celebrate the birth of light, the feast of the Sol Invictus, the Invincible Sun. Christmas is the festival of birth, hope and light.

Nevertheless, you will find in this issue of Lucifer some articles that have to do with dying and death. That may seem contradictory. We believe, however, that this is not the case. After all, you cannot die without being born and you cannot be born without dying. Dying and being born are the gates to another realm of consciousness. And it depends on your point of view, whether you call such passings birth or death.

That is why we felt that we could publish an article about the Great Birth, the festival of Christmas, together with a number of articles that are related to dying.

In this issue: 

  • Christmas: the Initiation of the Mystic Birth
  • Can life be completed?
  • When is someone dead?
  • The other side of organ donation
  • Euthanasia
  • Questions about karma
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