Lucifer No. 4 - 2018
December is for many people in the northern hemisphere a dark time. The sun comes up late and goes down early. Yet for many people this time is also the time of light, hope and cheerful spirituality. We celebrate the birth of light, the feast of the Sol Invictus, the Invincible Sun. Christmas is the festival of birth, hope and light.
Nevertheless, you will find in this issue of Lucifer some articles that have to do with dying and death. That may seem contradictory. We believe, however, that this is not the case. After all, you cannot die without being born and you cannot be born without dying. Dying and being born are the gates to another realm of consciousness. And it depends on your point of view, whether you call such passings birth or death.
That is why we felt that we could publish an article about the Great Birth, the festival of Christmas, together with a number of articles that are related to dying.
In this issue:
- Christmas: the Initiation of the Mystic Birth
- Can life be completed?
- When is someone dead?
- The other side of organ donation
- Euthanasia
- Questions about karma