Lucifer No.1 - 2018
Lucifer No.1 - 2018

We live in a world of fake news. People spread consciously – and sometimes unconsciously – untruths or even pure lies. 

In this issue of Lucifer, the Light-bringer we will try to give you some support. We are convinced that we can get to know truth, but we must adopt an active attitude for it. If we really want to get out of our bubble and reach a greater truth, we should try to build an all-encompassing image in which everything has its place.


  • A notable call for Friendship and Peace 
  • How our vision of truth determines reality
  • Is there evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy?

Next three articles were lectures presented at the I.S.I.S. Symposium “Compassion and Wisdom. Keys to a harmonious and healthy world” held on the 20th of May 2017 in The Hague, the Netherlands.

  • Many opinions … but what is true? 
  • We are more than our vision
  • From truth to wisdom: wisdom can be developed
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Lucifer No. 4 - 2017
Lucifer No. 4 - 2017

Articles in this issue:

  • The Wisdom of Love
  • Esoteric meditation – Part 2
  • Developing concentration
  • Nanotechnology, a closer look inside the world of the cell
  • Why heredity is so difficult to predict
  • How to deal with leaders you do not like
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Lucifer No. 3 - 2017
Lucifer No. 3 - 2017

Articles in this issue:

  • The mathematics of Religion
  • Why I.S.I.S. Foundation has been named after an Egyptian goddess
  • Is thinking never spiritual?
  • Esoteric meditation
  • The scientific approach to classical homeopathy
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2017
Lucifer No. 2 - 2017

Articles in this issue:

  • The Mystery School of the future
  • Ahimsa, the art of nonviolence
  • Katherine Tingley’s books available
  • ADHD: how to control it?
  • How to answer children’s questions?
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2017
Lucifer No. 1 - 2017

Articles in this issue:

  • Unity calls: how do we answer?
  • Compassion in different traditions
  • Gandhi on Theosophy and social reform
  • The inner causes behind “gravity”
  • The Masters of Wisdom and Compassion
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2016
Lucifer No. 1 - 2016

Symposium issue on:

Universal Rights of the Reincarnating Man

The lectures that were given during this symposium are transformed into the following articles:

  • The esoteric origin of human rights - The inner power to change the world

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Universal Laws, humans, rights and duties
  • Responsibility, freedom and free will
  • Karma, cycles: connection and dynamic harmony
  • Restoring harmony - Consequences of reincarnation and karma
  • Case studies on human rights

Day 2

  • Living human rights
  • Consequences of living human rights
  • Universal Brotherhood is the Path
  • Final conclusion I.S.I.S. Symposium 2016
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2015
Lucifer No. 2 - 2015

Symposium issue on:

Rāja-Yoga education of the Reincarnating Child

The lectures that were given during this symposium are transformed into the following articles:

  • Introduction

Day 1

  • A new look on education: from "Nature/Nurture" to reincarnation
  • How do you recognize the development phases in a reincarnating child?
  • Workshop results Saturday morning
  • Why the first three years are so important in Rāja-Yoga education
  • How the young child discovers his world and his conscience
  • Workshop results Saturday afternoon
  • Phases of the human incarnation

Day 2

  • Independent thinking awakes again
  • Rāja-Yoga: inspiration for every school system
  • Workshop results Sunday morning
  • Puberty: free will and helpless idealism
  • Maturity: and now growing further by yourself!
  • Plenary discussion


  • Articles of Katherine Tingley and Gottfried de Purucker on Rāja-Yoga
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2015
Lucifer No. 1 - 2015

Articles in this issue:

  • H.P. Blavatsky’s message to the world
  • How to prove Theosophy?
  • Esoteric Islam
  • Emanation and Fohat as the fundament for the electric universe
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Lucifer No. 3 - 2014
Lucifer No. 3 - 2014

Symposium issue on:

How our consciousness changes our brain
Do we have a brain? Or are we our brain?

The lectures that were given during this symposium are transformed into the following articles:

  • Introduction

Day 1

  • Do we have consciousness, or are we consciousness?
  • Brain, thinking and consciousness
  • States of consciousness - Which pair of glasses do we use when looking at life?
  • Workshop results: Are we in control of our own brain?
  • Examples of changes of the brain

Day 2

  • Expanding consciousness through resonance - Never too late to resonate
  • Consciousness before and after dying
  • Three levels of remembering: instinct, conscience and intuition
  • Workshop results: Expanding consciousness by practice - Man, know thyself
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2014
Lucifer No. 2 - 2014

Articles in this issue:

  • Theosophy’s rightful place
  • Spiritual progress in Kali-Yuga
  • Repentance works?
  • Brotherhood and sisterhood?
  • From Higgs-particle to Theosophia
  • The role of the poles
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Lucifer No. 1 - 2014
Lucifer No. 1 - 2014

Symposium issue on:

Practical spirituality - beyond matter, in society

The lectures that were given during this symposium are transformed into the following articles:

  • Introduction

Day 1

  • Wonderment ... there must be more behind this
  • Man a spiritual explorer
  • Thinking like Socrates – recognizing spirituality
  • More light on spirituality
  • How does spirituality or compassion affect our lives?
    • Views on spirituality
    • Where spirituality manifests itself in man
    • What is the next step?
    • Practical spirituality
  • Spiritual impulses before the foundation of The Theosophical Society in 1875

Day 2

  • On our way – is compassion a choice?
  • Developing spirituality for a harmonious society
  • No initiation without trial
  • The spiritual society ... a matter of practice
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Lucifer No. 2 - 2013
Lucifer No. 2 - 2013

In this issue of Lucifer – the Messenger of Light we briefly present the three Fundamental Propositions and seven Jewels of Wisdom.

Theosophy stretches over all fields of human thought. However, it is based on only three fundamental propositions, given by H.P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine. These propositions can be elaborated in seven principal ideas, called the seven Jewels of Wisdom. You can find traces of these teachings in the books of the world religions and great philosophical systems, as is shown in the last article of this issue.

Articles in this issue:

  • The three key thoughts of Theosophy
  • The seven Jewels of Wisdom and their inspiring value:
    • 1. Reincarnation
    • 2. Karma
    • 3. Hierarchies
    • 4. Self-becoming
    • 5. Progressive evolution
    • 6. The two paths
    • 7. Knowledge of the Self
  • Recognizing the seven Jewels in world religions
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