Our policy is to keep the texts of great Theosophical teachers available in their original form, authorized by the author.

In later editions many of those texts have been changed, shortened or 'modernized' by others, which prevents the reader from forming his own opinion and discovering independently the deeper truths in those texts. We hope this initiative will be of service to all readers.

H.P. Blavatsky       K. Tingley       G. de Purucker

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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

The Secret Doctrine Commentaries - The Unpublished 1889 Instructions  1st edition, 2010

Katherine Tingley

The Gods Await  1st edition, 1926
The Mysteries of the Heart Doctrine  1st edition
Theosophy: the Path of the Mystic  1st edition, 1922
The Travail of the Soul  1st edition, 1927
The Voice of the Soul  1st edition, 1928
The Wine of Life  1st edition, 1925
The Wisdom of the Heart  Point Loma Publications, 1978
De Wijsheid van het Hart  Dutch / Nederlandse versie van 'The Wisdom of the Heart'

Gottfried de Purucker

7 Jewels of Wisdom collection of various works
The Esoteric Tradition, Vol. I  2nd edition, 1940
The Esoteric Tradition, Vol. 2  2nd edition, 1940
2 lectures preceding the Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy  2nd printing of 1st edition 1932
(PT) Fundamentos da Filosofia Esoterica
Golden Precepts of Esotericism  2nd edition, 1938
Man in Evolution  1st edition, 1941
The Masters and the Path of Occultism  1st edition, 1939
Occult Glossary  1st edition, 1933
Questions We All Ask, series 1  1st edition, 1929 - 1930
Questions We All Ask, series 2  1st edition, 1930 - 1931
The Story of Jesus  1st edition, 1938

Posthume publications
The Dialogues of G. de Purucker, Vol. 1  1st edition 1948 (305 MB)
The Dialogues of G. de Purucker, Vol. 2  1st edition 1948 (320 MB)
The Dialogues of G. de Purucker, Vol. 3  1st edition 1948 (263 MB)
Studies in Occult Philosophy  1st edition 1945 (908 MB)
Wind of the Spirit  1st edition 1944 (170 MB)

The Theosophical Forum  Vol. 1 - 7, 1929 - 1935
H.P. Blavatsky: the Mystery  written by G. de Purucker and K. Tingley: the original series of 22 articles in The Theosophical Path, April 1929 - January 1931
Seneca - Researches into Nature  translated by G. de Purucker as a series of 22 articles in The Theosophical Path, April 1930 - February 1932

Additional literature

Katherine Tingley on Peace
Raja Yoga education for the young
The end never justifies the means  A peaceful answer to terrorism