Origin and leadership
The organization was founded from the spiritual impulse that resulted in Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, at the behest of her Teachers, bringing out the Theosophical teachings again beginning in 1875.
This was done after years of travelling during which she visited many countries to study the world's most diverse religions during which she also spent several years in Tibet. In 1888 she published "The Secret Doctrine" in two volumes, which is still considered her main work. In this work she describes both the formation process of the Cosmos (Cosmogenesis) and the development process of man (Anthropogenesis). Central to this is that in these works she tries to show that the core of all religions and philosophies have the same source or origin. She also taught that the stage of development to where we have developed as human beings today is only an intermediate stage and that there are other latent forces in human beings.
In 1900, the American branch of the Theosophical Society established itself in Point Loma (on the west coast of the United States) for the purpose of forming an active nucleus of Brotherhood and thus deeply studying and living the Theosophical teachings. For this purpose, under the inspirational influence of the then leader Katherine Tingley, the Raja Yoga method was used; a system of education and corresponding way of life aimed at guiding man's inner faculties outward. After this place was abandoned over time, this mentality has always remained part of the organization, which is still reflected in the name ‘Theosophical Society Point Loma’.
In 1929 the leadership of our organization was taken over by Gottfried de Purucker. De Purucker had a very broad knowledge of both Eastern and Western wisdom, rooted in Theosophia. He performed important work in making the Wisdom that Theosophy has to offer further accessible. Among other things, he wrote many books and gave many lectures, many of which were later published in book form and thus remain a source of wisdom to this day. The Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy and the Esoteric Instructions are two examples, among many other published books.
The Theosophical Society Point Loma was led after H.P. Blavatsky successively by:
- W.Q. Judge (1891-1896)
- K. Tingley (1896-1929)
- G. de Purucker (1929-1942)
- A.L. Conger (1945-1951)
- W. Hartley (1951-1955)
- D.J.P. Kok (1958-1985)
- H.C. Vermeulen (1985- )