Objectives and activities
By disseminating Theosophical knowledge and teachings, each one can ascertain for himself its value and thereby build a spiritual philosophy of life.
The Theosophical Society Point Loma has the following objectives:
- To diffuse among men knowledge concerning the laws inherent in the Universe.
- To promulgate the knowledge of the essential unity of all that is, and to demonstrate that this unity is fundamental in Nature.
- To form an active brotherhood among men.
- To study ancient and modern religion, science, and philosophy.
- To investigate the forces innate in man.
By investigating the forces that are innate in man, we mean, among other things, the development of the higher aspects of thinking, which appeal to scientific thinking as well as philosophical and religious thinking, and how they can be applied in interaction with each other in order to continuously grow as human beings.
We organize various activities at various locations. Our main office is located in The Hague and there are several departments on various locations in The Netherlands and a German department.
The activities organized by the TSPL address various themes. The themes are based on the laws of nature, and deal with deepening insight in the core of the world's religions and philosophies as well as views in science. In addition, applicable life issues and society-related topics are explained and considered from a Theosophical point of view.
This is done through the following activities:
Every year we organize a series of lectures which can be followed in Dutch, German and English via live stream.
The publication of articles in our magazine Lucifer - the Lightbringer, in which both ancient wisdom and current topics are further explained.
Every year there is an interactive symposium on a topical subject in which lectures and workshops are held to introduce the vision of Theosophy.
Universal Wisdom Course
The course Universal Wisdom offers every seeker for truth the opportunity to independently build a picture of Theosophical teachings.
Publication of Theosophical literature written over the years by our teachers is also one of our core tasks. To carry out this task, the TSPL has its own publishing house. These books can be purchased through our webshop at cost price. Many of these books are also available for free download through our website.