Theosophia originates from the Greek Theos (Divine) and Sofia (Wisdom). It is the Wisdom of the Gods and provides insight into the structure, the laws and ethical principles of the Cosmos and the interconnectedness of all beings living in it.

This Wisdom Philosophy is as old as humanity itself and has no beginning, nor has it an end. Theosophia is also called the Universal Wisdom Religion and underlies all religious and philosophical systems in the world that have ever existed or will ever exist in the present and future constituting both source and origin.

Other names given to Theosophia are: Esoteric Wisdom Religion, Chochmah, Prajñâpâramitâ, Hermeticism or Gupta-Vidyâ. All these systems are in their core, and appropriate to their time, always an expression of this ancient teaching or immutable law which is the same century after century.

Theosophy, as given to mankind in 1875 by the spiritual impulse of H.P. Blavatsky, as messenger of the Lodge of Wisdom and Compassion, is the last expression of Theosophia and points to the essential unity of all life. There is in fact only ONE life of which all beings are an integral part. Nothing in Nature can exist in isolation or be separated or excluded from it.

Universele Broederschap

Vanuit de gedachte van deze essentiële eenheid en onderlinge verbondenheid van al het leven onderwijst de Theosofie dan ook dat Universele Broederschap een feit is in de Natuur. Deze gedachte van Broederschap is gebaseerd op de structuur en werking van het Universum, waarin al het leven onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden is en samenwerkt.
Dit werkelijke Een-zijn vormt binnen de Theosofie de basis van Universele Broederschap en ethiek. Dit betreft naastenliefde, mededogen, samenwerking en broederschap zonder onderscheid van huidskleur, ras, geslacht , nationaliteit, godsdienstige overtuiging of maatschappelijke positie.

Een studie van de Theosofie is daarmee altijd gericht op het verkrijgen van inzicht in de wetten en werkingen in de Kosmos om daardoor beter te kunnen begrijpen hoe alles met elkaar verbonden is en wat de innerlijke werkingen in de kosmos zijn. Omdat de mens een integrerend onderdeel van de Kosmos is, geeft de Theosofie tevens inzicht in hoe het leven zo vorm is te geven dat wij in harmonie met het geheel kunnen leven en van daaruit een ondersteunende kracht in de wereld kunnen zijn.

Search for Truth

Through study in Theosophy, we begin to understand life better and gain better understanding of our place in the whole. As we begin to understand the processes in Nature, our lives become more meaningful, and we are better able to give direction to our lives and support our fellow man.

Examining truth yourself

Although the Theosophical teachings already exist since ancient times and have been examined by the Great Sages such as Gautama the Buddha, Jesus the Nazarene and Lau Tze, it is the responsibility of each person to build their own vision of Truth. Undogmatic search for Truth is the prerequisite for this. Undogmatic in this case means not accepting the teachings on behalf of authority or because someone else says so, but to investigate independently for truth.

The truth is within ourselves

Truth, then, is to be found within ourselves. The Theosophical teachings come alive when we are able to understand them. We can come to understanding by serious contemplation of the teachings and examine them for truth, analysing them and testing and applying them in daily life. A number of principles can be used in this process. For example, we can test whether these teachings are logical, universal and ethical. These are three very basic criteria for testing them that can help us to understand the Theosophical teachings. Logical implies that there is a certain order that can be reasoned and explained, without having to make strange or inexplicable leaps. Universal implies that a certain doctrine applies to everything in the Cosmos. As human beings, we possess the ability to understand all processes in the Universe. Ethical, because we can come to understand that we live in a Universe that operates according to an Ethical Order. Therefore, compassion is also called the law of laws within the Esoteric Philosophy.

Living Theosophy

The more we begin to see through study the interconnectedness of all life and the more we begin to see how we need each other to move forward, the more we also begin to see that we are inseparable from all life, that we are truly ONE. Initially we build a global picture of the Theosophical teachings. As we progress, we begin to understand the teachings more and more deeply, but we only really come to understand Theosophy properly when we begin to apply the teachings in life. When we see that there is unity and start living from this unity. When we see that Compassion is the Law of Laws and we become more and more compassionate, then we start to cooperate more and more with the laws in Nature. As H.P. Blavatsky writes in the Voice of Silence:

“Help Nature and work on with her; and Nature will regard thee as one of her creators and make obeisance.”

Constantly growing

The first proposition, Boundlessness, applies as much to truth as to anything else that exists. There is always a larger, more profound and more elevated picture of truth to be formed. A study in Theosophy and living Theosophy is therefore boundless. This means that no matter how much we know and how much knowledge we possess, we are always ignorant on some level. The best way to handle this is to be aware of it and stay open to forming a larger picture of truth and be willing to let go old thought patterns or revise them from a higher understanding. When we seek truth for the sake of the love for truth, we can progress further and further along the path on the bases of an open mind) and clear thinking.

Freedom of thought

Every human being possesses free will and possesses therefore also freedom of thought. Theosophy is therefore for everyone free to study and to apply, to form their own view of it, free from dogmatism, independent of religious or scientific movement or political preference, in respect for everyone's free will and freedom to build their own vision of life.

Theosophy provides support in building and deepening one's own vision of life and in applying it in the practice of daily life.

Thus, Theosophy is for everyone seeking truth, both for their own benefit and for the benefit and development of the whole. Theosophy shows us how we can express this in a harmonious way and thereby be an inspiration to others.