This course is based on Universal Wisdom. Everyone can get to know this wisdom. This wisdom is not new; it is the heart of all great religious, philosophical and scientific systems. 

It explains life, the processes in nature and provides answers to all life's questions. This wisdom has several names, such as Esoteric Philosophy, Chochmah, Prajñāpāramitā, Gupta-Vidyā and Gnosis. We use the name Theosophia.

In this course we will give you instructions on how to get to know this wisdom. This begins with yourself, with unveiling your own thinking. Through independent research into Universal Wisdom and exchange with fellow students, ideas will become clearer. Thus you will gradually build a philosophy of life, which will enable you to solve every question of life and thus contribute to a more harmonious world.

Date and contribution

The course will start on Sunday January 21st 2024 and is held weekly online every Sunday from 4.00-6.00 PM CE(S)T via Zoom for about 20 meetings. 

The fee is €60,00 including course material.


Having trouble enrolling or experiencing a problem? If so, please contact us.