Wind of the Spirit
1st edition 1944
... Few words are needed to introduce this present work. It should be made adequately clear, however, that it is not a collection of carefully documented, written or prepared addresses, but of truly extempore contributions poured forth in response to some question needing answer, some problem presented from the floor of a public meeting, some plea from one who was truth-hungry and unsatisfied with passing palliatives.

These thoughts were in answer to such appeals and arose from the urgency of the moment. Thus they should not be considered as written words but as spoken words; and the reader wishing to derive fullest benefit from them should bear this in mind.
No effort has been made by the Compilers to arrange these selections in chronological order or according to topic ; nor have they permitted themselves the liberty of wholesale editing, knowing the desire of at least the Theosophical public to have G. de P.'s interpretation of the teachings accurately preserved as he gave them. Only what has been deemed absolutely necessary along this line has been done in those relatively few transcriptions of talks uncorrected by G. de P. himself. For historical interest a Memorandum at the end of this volume lists these talks under the years in which they were given, though in some instances the only date known is that of their publication in The Theosophical Forum. Certain statements read in the light of this historical chronology will seem almost prophetic in their visioning of events that have since come to pass.
The eight addresses given in Berlin, The Hague, Copenhagen, over the Hilversum radio, and at Point Loma, fall naturally together and form a Section by themselves. They are included particularly to provide historical record of the character of material chosen by Dr. de Purucker for public presentation. ...