The Secret Doctrine Commentaries is now available in Portuguese and is launched during the conference 'Undisclosed Instructions by Helena P. Blavatsky. Blavatsky's conversations with her students' on November 20, 21 and 22.

It is a special event that brings together various organizations. There are 8 international speakers among which Herman C. Vermeulen, Johanna Vermeulen and Barend Voorham.


When The Secret Doctrine was published in 1888, students started to read it. Two months after publication HPB started a study group to answer the questions of the students. These meetings took place on Thursdays and were recorded. In 2010 these recordings were published in the book The Secret Doctrine Commentaries. (click here to download the book)

The Secret Doctrine Commentaries has now been translated to Portuguese and was launched on November 20, 21, 22 at a special event with the title: Undisclosed Instructions by Helena P. Blavatsky. Blavatsky's conversations with her students. It was a collaboration of theosophists of Brazil and Portugal with lectures in Portuguese and Spanish. The online event was visited with enthusiasm by many people from different continents.


The presentations of Herman C. Vermeulen, Johanna Vermeulen and Barend Voorham are available here.

The Secret Doctrine Commentaries: How HPB taught her young students
by Johanna Vermeulen

Monads and emanation in The Secret Doctrine (will be added soon)
by Barend Voorham

The Secret Doctrine as a touchstone and basis for collaboration
by Herman C. Vermeulen

Additional article

Katherine Beechey - HP Blavatsky in London


Quando A Doutrina Secreta foi publicada em 1888, os alunos começaram a lê-la. Dois meses após a publicação, HPB iniciou um grupo de estudos para responder às perguntas dos alunos. Essas reuniões ocorreram às quintas-feiras e foram gravadas. Em 2010 essas gravações foram publicadas no livro The Secret Doctrine Commentaries.

Os Comentários sobre A Doutrina Secreta foram traduzidos para o português e foram lançados nos dias 20, 21 e 22 de novembro num evento especial com o título: Instruções não reveladas de Helena P. Blavatsky. Conversas de Blavatsky com seus alunos. Foi uma colaboração de teósofos de Brasil e Portugal com palestras em português e espanhol. O evento on-line foi visitado com entusiasmo por muitas pessoas de diferentes continentes.


As apresentações de Herman C. Vermeulen, Johanna Vermeulen e Barend Voorham estão disponíveis aqui.

Comentários sobre A Doutrina Secreta: como HPB ensinava a seus estudantes jovens
com Johanna Vermeulen

Mônadas e emanação em A Doutrina Secreta (será adicionado em breve)
com Barend Voorham

A Doutrina Secreta como pedra-de-toque e base para a colaboração
com Herman C. Vermeulen

Artigo adicional

Katherine Beechey - HP Blavatsky em Londres