Offer: ‘H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine Commentaries’ from € 59 for € 10
In 2010, the I.S.I.S. foundation (Theosophical Society - Point Loma) published H.P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine Commentaries - The Unpublished 1889 Instructions. In this edition, the text by H.P. Blavatsky is preserved in its original form, giving this edition “academic quality”.
This first edition was offered in hardcover form, at cost price, but was quite expensive due to its form. The book was printed in hardcover so that all theosophical lodges and libraries could acquire a solid, indestructible copy.
When this hardcover edition was nearly sold out, the I.S.I.S. foundation (TSPL) put the the digital version of book on the website, where anyone can download The Secret Doctrine Commentaries (for free).
The last batch of hardcover books are now offered for € 10 + shipping costs. You can order a hardcover version of The Secret Doctrine Commentaries through our order form.

When this hardcover version is sold out, it will not be available in that form anymore. The Secret Doctrine Commentaries will only be available in paperback in the future.