In 2025, the Theosophical Society (T.S.) will celebrate its 150th anniversary. With what purpose did H.P. Blavatsky and her Masters found the T.S. in 1875, as a new impulse of the Theosophia, the Universal Wisdom that goes back to the night of time? Which basic ideas did H.P.B. stepwise introduce in the thought atmosphere of the world of her time? How did these ideas work out in social, scientific and religious reforms so far? And above all, what significance do they have for the future humanity, which we are now building?

These questions are of great importance for the future of all of people, who so desperately need answers to life questions and a profound vision of the problems that now seem to be accumulating. From February to June 2025, these are the topics we will discuss in our lectures.

Download the year program 2024-2025 (PDF)